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Enhancing Your Natural Image

Luxury MedSpa in Chicago, IL

Chicago Medical Spa in Downtown Streeterville

Enhancing Your Natural Image With the Latest Skin Treatments in a Spa Environment

Whatever the reason may be that has brought you here to our informative website, you will likely be very happy to know that at GOLDCOAST medspa, we offer a comprehensive list of med spa services. We have been in business for more than 10 years, serving patients like yourself in Streeterville, Chicago (60611), and the surrounding areas. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority and we strive to achieve it by providing you with a relaxing, comfortable environment and safe, effective procedures.

It is our mission to help you achieve your goals and improve your appearance through aesthetic services. Please call us today at 312-664-2128 to learn more about how we can help you!

Welcome to GoldCoast Med Spa, where beauty meets expertise. Located in the heart of Gold Coast, IL, our medical spa in Chicago offers a range of services designed to enhance your natural beauty and wellness. From luxurious facials to advanced cosmetic treatments, we provide personalized care tailored to meet your unique needs.

We Only Use Industry Leading Injectables and Medical Spa Treatments

woman with perfect skin


At GOLDCOAST medspa, we take pride in providing our patients with the best possible Medspa services. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and helping you achieve your desired look through various injectable treatments. Whether it’s smoothing out fine lines with Botox or Dysport, adding volume and contouring with Juveau, Juvederm, or Restylane, reducing chin fat with Kybella, or stimulating collagen production with Sculptra – we offer a variety of solutions tailored specifically for each patient’s unique needs. We are committed to helping you feel confident and beautiful inside and out; call us to learn more.

woman with perfect skin

Laser Hair Removal

At GOLDCOAST medspa, our mission is to provide the best possible beauty treatments and services for our clients. We understand that unwanted hair can be a major source of frustration and embarrassment, which is why we offer laser hair removal as one of our core services. Our state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained staff use advanced techniques to target hair follicles with precision, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. With just a few sessions, you’ll experience long-lasting results that will leave you confident in your skin. Book a consultation today and discover how we can help you achieve smooth, beautiful skin!

woman with perfect skin

Facial Rejuvenation

At GOLDCOAST medspa, we offer a range of body treatments designed to help you achieve the beautiful, smooth skin you deserve. Our Velashape treatment is perfect for those looking to reduce cellulite and improve the appearance of their thighs, buttocks, abdomen, or arms. Additionally, if spider veins are causing you discomfort or embarrassment, our Spider Vein Removal treatment can help eliminate them quickly and effectively using laser therapy. We strive to ensure that all of our clients leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with their desired results achieved – visit us today at GOLDCOAST medspa for your next luxury spa experience!

man with perfect skin

Skin Rejuvenation

GOLDCOAST medspa offers various skin rejuvenation methods like Intense pulse light (IPL), Laser genesis, Evolus Plus Skin Tightening, facials, chemical peels, microneedling, and PRX T33 – all designed to help our clients achieve youthful-looking skin. Our team of experienced professionals uses state-of-the-art technology and techniques to deliver safe and effective treatments that target different skin concerns, such as acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and sun damage spots, among others. Whether you need a quick facial for an instant glow or a more advanced treatment like microneedling for a collagen production boost, our clinic has got you covered!

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Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments

Here at GOLDCOAST medspa, we are extremely results-driven and are proud to offer procedures that are effective and practical. Our staff is very experienced, highly trained, and extremely professional. With today’s advances in technology, we are able to provide you with aesthetic procedures that are non-invasive and designed to enhance your overall image. We truly care about providing you with thorough education about the services we offer so that you are able to make informed decisions.

When we meet with you, we will take the necessary time to get to know you and understand your goals and unique needs. Our mission is to enhance your best features and correct any imperfections you desire to fix.

If you would like to set up an initial consultation or speak directly with one of our knowledgeable staff, give us a call now at 312-664-2128!

Discover the best spa in Chicago, IL, and experience top-tier care at GoldCoast MedSpa.

Why Gold Coast Med Spa?

At Gold Coast Med Spa, we specialize in state-of-the-art treatments using the latest technology and techniques. Our experienced team of professionals ensures every client leaves feeling rejuvenated and confident. Whether you’re looking for anti-aging solutions, skincare treatments, or body contouring, we have something for everyone.

Our Services

  • Facial Treatments: Customized facials to refresh and rejuvenate your skin.
  • Botox & Fillers: Smooth out fine lines and wrinkles for a youthful appearance.
  • Body Sculpting: Sculpt your body with advanced non-invasive treatments.


233 East Erie St #100
Chicago, IL 60611


Hours of Operation
Monday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

233 E Erie St #100, Chicago, IL 60611, USA